

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Cloth diapering - Why?

Different reasons why people choose Cloth diapering:
  • Money savings  - you can save over $1000 for one child in cloth diapers! This is actually the most conservative estimate I've seen to date, but I like how they have it broken out since younger babies are changed more often. If you reuse those same diapers for another the savings is multiplied! 
  • Environmental: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Cloth diapering enables 2 of the R's (Reduce and Reuse), Disposable diapering doesn't. Need I say more? There are articles (paid for by major disposable diaper companies) that say that disposable diapers are no worse than cloth for the environment since you have to wash the cloth diapers. Since there is no scientific evidence - it's just conjecture from a major corporation with an agenda and a bottom line - I don't believe it for a second. There was another article stating that there are mushrooms that biodegrade diapers in about 2 months. The oversight? It states that the mushrooms feed on Cellulose, which USED to be used in disposable diapers as absorbant material. No longer - there were some technological advances & now most plastic diapers are made with Superabsorbant polymers.
  • It's cuter! I know that disposable diapers are just coming out with prints (by the way - what do you think they are trying to compete with? Cloth!) But let's admit it, a fluffy bottom is adorable! and the possibilities are endless if you are crafty. There are lots of prints available even if you aren't crafty - Kissaluv fitteds, blueberry diapers, BumGenius artist series, goodmamas off the top of my head.
  • Health reasons: Disposable diapers are filled with chemicals you probably would not otherwise want in your house, and are linked to male infertility
  • No blow-outs. With a well fitting cloth diaper, I have never had a poosplosion.
  • More versatile - there are one-size pockets & All-in-ones; there are flat diapers which will work from birth to potty (really actually will since you fold them to suit). After your babies are out of diapers, you can use cloth diapers around the house - rags, housecleaning, etc.
  • It's not the norm. Personally, I like to make conscious decisions & I've come to the realization that in most cases, I choose to walk the road less travelled. So, I have come to associate that positively.
  • Cloth diapering is growing in popularity, more and more people are doing it, and it's cool! Let's face it, this is sometimes a motivator for people (especially women).

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