

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Flats Challenge - Day 6!

Happy Saturday! This will be a short one since my husband are going on a date tonight!

I have fallen into a great groove with this challenge - just when it's about to be over. This morning I did a big load of diapers. It's taking a lot of time to dry them since it is so humid. 

My mom is coming over in a bit to watch Finn. I told her all about the flats and handwashing challenge. She told me all about how that was how she diapered us when we were babies. In her words: "because we were broke!" Interesting how, the previous generation used flats if they were broke (disposable diapers were a luxury). But in today's society, parents can't imagine life without their 'luxury' disposables that they just dry and reuse them? What happened?

Off to change a poopy diaper.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo date night!! Hope y'all had a great night! :D
