Last night, my husband handwashed flats in our camp washer. Our bucket washer's lid is broken now (he admitted from "vigorous agitation")... It still works and all. No problem, there's just a crack. In retrospect, I think putting tape or some kind of protection around the lid hole is a good idea.
End of the week thoughts: Whether this challenge impacts the people who were reusing disposable diapers is somewhat moot. I had a great experience so far & that is immediate and matters. As for the 'target,' (so to speak) is it that all these parents need is an education in modern cloth? Is it that they just don't care about the earth, their child's butt, etc. Or do they have 3 jobs and just trying to make things work? Who knows... probably a mix of all three and more. I chafe at categorizing people, but I have to admit, reusing disposable diapers is not smart.
I think it is a shame when people make decisions without all the facts. Maybe that is just the way I am - I like to research things, weigh the pro's and con's. Now, I don't sit with a yellow pad and do this for EVERY decision, it's subconscious at this point. But I firmly believe in looking into my options and getting educated for myself. It's just that there are a LOT of things that come up once you become a parent: diapers, feeding the baby, health (yours, your baby's), how and where to give birth, life insurance, investments, etc! It's overwhelming!!! I think we let a lot go by the wayside - just letting life get in the way (there is ALWAYS an excuse for procrastination). Don't get me wrong, I am a procrastinator... big time. I'm working on it! But what really gets me is when decisions are made without proper information. You just do it because it is what everyone else does. 'Everyone' gives birth at the hospital, uses sposies, thinks the food pyramid is the authority on how to eat right, etc. etc. etc.
I was on Syracuse's premier local diaper store's website (Basic Baby) and the icon that corresponded with laundry is an old fashioned wash tub and board. I feel blessed to be living in an age of modern conveniences. Yay for my washing machine! Yay for my dishwasher for that matter!
Flats work really well. Recently I have been having problems with night leakage. This week, I have had NO LEAKAGE at all! I knew that this challenge would force me to be more comfortable with flat diapers (which I had an interest in). I never thought that I'd like and appreciate them so much.
Unanswered questions:
Each time I have handwashed the dipes this week, I keep thinking about the bucket washer - Is it safe to be washing dipes in VERY HOT water in this plastic bucket? It wasn't labeled as a safe plastic, so I'm assuming that it is not. Call me weird, but is this plastic paint bucket releasing some horrible chemicals into the diapers that my son is sitting in right now?
I am a stay at home mom. I can guess what it's like for working mom's to use flats and handwash full time, but it would be just a guess. I know what it's like to be a mom, and what it's like to work, but the two thus far have been mutually exclusive. I am curious as to the feasibility in situations other than mine.
I hear about the growing population of teen mothers - through TV, a MOPs outreach at local high schools, media, etc. I'm wondering how receptive teen mom's are to cloth diapers? It can't be easy in first place, but if a large portion of your paycheck each week is going towards poop catching - ouch! In my ideal situation, (not that teenage mothering is always ideal) these girls could buy a pack of flats and save the difference from pampers until they have enough to buy a couple of pocket diapers & use cloth full time. I know that is what I would do NOW if we didn't have enough money. Nine months ago when Finn was born? probably not. I just didn't know.
Very good thoughts! I think it's mostly portrayed to us by media as what we *have* to do. What are diapering options? Huggies or Pampers or Luvs. What are feeding options? Similac or Enfamil. Nothing else is on TV and unless someone TELLS people, they won't know. I think teens would totally be into cloth diapering if it were portrayed in a joyful light. So often they get an idea and are shot down immediately by someone who thinks their choice to have a child young is stupid. I have a whole slew of opinions on the situation. :P
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