

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cloth Diapering - Who?

For the first installment of my cloth diapering series for general information, I will be answering the question: Who?

Who do I cloth diaper? well, that's easy - my son Finn. He is about eight and a half months old:
here he is a month ago attempting to crawl, looking adorable in a tie-dyed prefold.

Who else cloth diapers?
Cloth diapering has come a long way since our mothers and grandmothers time. In the past five to ten years, there has been a major resurgence in popularity. The great thing about this is that there are more modern diapers available! No pins required. There are actually diapers that work just like plastic nappies - just velcro them on your baby's bum! So who else cloth diapers? moms and dads just like you: they work out of the home, or in the home; they are originally from NY, NJ, PA, VA, MD, VT, CT, etc. They are black, white, hispanic, asian, and everything else in between. They breastfeed and they don't breastfeed. They are conservative christians and liberal jews, and muslims and buddhists and nothing, and everything in between. They are millionaires, and they are on public assistance, they are middle class, they have businesses, they have jobs. Get the picture?

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