How we eat today is so drastically different than how we ate this time last year. Having my son Finn changed my life - in the obvious ways of course (breastfeeding!) but my whole outlook on life;it changed that 'bar'setting of what I was and was not going to do. If you had asked me a year ago if I would sprout and cook dried beans to add to a soup - no way! Even meal planning at all was pretty much a foreign concept to me. I just cooked whatever I felt like cooking! Which, as an approach, most will recognize is more costly, wasteful, and less nutritious.
When Finn entered my equation, I suddenly wanted what was best for him - which includes a healthy mommy and daddy! The question really started at non-organic food. What made sense to buy organic, what did that really mean? Which led me further to - what do these words on the carton mean? Eggs, milk, meat!!! What is the best option?
I bought Nina Planck's book real food for mama and baby (husband was very resistant, so I got a book that 'didn't include him' - it seemed safer!). Of course, what I soon found out (as did he) is that it held truths for everyone in the family. His fear was that I would not 'let' him have skim milk anymore. He's over that now!
Since reading Nina's book, I have been slowly changing our habits. I found a few blogs (kitchenstewardship, heavenly homemakers, GNOWFGLINS). I Found a source for raw milk, pastures eggs, meats, healthy fats. recently I started ecourses from GNOWFGLINS on the fundamentals of traditional food!
We cut out refined sugar completely. I use honey, maple syrup, and sucanat sparingly. With a hubby that was so resistant at first, how did I get him on board with all of these changes? It was mostly God. But, making yummy food doesn't hurt! When he realized that this food was as tasty if not tastier than the old ways, I think it made further changes easier. He just trusts me.
With all of these changes, I've lost 15 pounds effortlessly, my skin is glowing, I feel more healthy. My husband, who has been battling acid reflux from the age of 11, hasn't had a flare up in a long time! Hallelujah! He said that his pants are getting looser...
Who knew changing from skim milk to WHOLE milk would make you lose weight! Full fat dairy, folks!

Friday, September 2, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Tonight's awesome Bean Soup!
I have been taking GNOWFGLINS' Ecourse on the fundamentals of real food. The latest class was on soaking and sprouting beans. I don't cook with beans - historically, I do not like them much. BUT - I want to! I like the idea of them & fully recognize them as a super food.
A while back, I bought a few bags of dried beans. So I got out the Great Northern beans and sprouted them. It took me 3 days total (including the initial soaking, which I think I did wrong but it worked anyway!). The sprouts weren't very long - just a quarter inch or less.
Bean, Sausage and Spinach soup
1c (dried) great northern beans, sprouted & cooked (it'll be more than a cup when sprouted, but I didn't measure)
1lb fresh chorizo (from pastured pork) - cook and dice
1 large sweet onion, diced
2 medium apples diced
saute the onion and apple mixture in the soup pot after cooking the pork in there (yummy flavors)
2 jars homemade chicken stock
add these along with the cooked beans - simmer for flavors to combine
using your immersion blender, blend the soup up.
add the chorizo, along with any other veggies you have around. I added
roasted corn and potatoes (about a cup of the mixture).
Season: I used salt, pepper, and cinnamon
add as much spinach as you like & simmer until the spinach is wilted.
Voila! It's really tasty, but most of all - it's really nutritious!
I served with homemade pumpernickel bread.
A while back, I bought a few bags of dried beans. So I got out the Great Northern beans and sprouted them. It took me 3 days total (including the initial soaking, which I think I did wrong but it worked anyway!). The sprouts weren't very long - just a quarter inch or less.
Bean, Sausage and Spinach soup
1c (dried) great northern beans, sprouted & cooked (it'll be more than a cup when sprouted, but I didn't measure)
1lb fresh chorizo (from pastured pork) - cook and dice
1 large sweet onion, diced
2 medium apples diced
saute the onion and apple mixture in the soup pot after cooking the pork in there (yummy flavors)
2 jars homemade chicken stock
add these along with the cooked beans - simmer for flavors to combine
using your immersion blender, blend the soup up.
add the chorizo, along with any other veggies you have around. I added
roasted corn and potatoes (about a cup of the mixture).
Season: I used salt, pepper, and cinnamon
add as much spinach as you like & simmer until the spinach is wilted.
Voila! It's really tasty, but most of all - it's really nutritious!
I served with homemade pumpernickel bread.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Update on giving up SUGAR
It's Day 7 on the Giving up Sugar Challenge!
The first few days were rough! I actually had to leave a playdate early on Tuesday because I felt so sick! Around Thursday I started feeling much better though. Thank goodness! I've read about "sugar withdrawel" symptoms - but I never thought that I'd have to go through it since when I gave up sugar in pregnancy it just felt GREAT.
Jon hasn't had any withdrawal symptoms. So either - he hasn't given up sugar (since he has many more temptations than I do being in an office, I know he's had at least ONE cookie); or his body metabolizes it differently. Who knows.
By the Grace of God, I really haven't had too many cravings! At the start, I was eating a lot of fruit after meals for something sweet, but the past few days I haven't even had that craving.
This week will be challenging though since it's Finn's birthday & I'm making this insane ice-cream cake (it'll take at least 3 days to make and assemble). Wish me luck!
How are you feeling?
The first few days were rough! I actually had to leave a playdate early on Tuesday because I felt so sick! Around Thursday I started feeling much better though. Thank goodness! I've read about "sugar withdrawel" symptoms - but I never thought that I'd have to go through it since when I gave up sugar in pregnancy it just felt GREAT.
Jon hasn't had any withdrawal symptoms. So either - he hasn't given up sugar (since he has many more temptations than I do being in an office, I know he's had at least ONE cookie); or his body metabolizes it differently. Who knows.
By the Grace of God, I really haven't had too many cravings! At the start, I was eating a lot of fruit after meals for something sweet, but the past few days I haven't even had that craving.
This week will be challenging though since it's Finn's birthday & I'm making this insane ice-cream cake (it'll take at least 3 days to make and assemble). Wish me luck!
How are you feeling?
Monday Mission 8/8/11
Is it monday again?
Today's mission is to enjoy the summer! I'll be preparing for Finn's First Birthday & the 'unveiling' of our house improvements!
Today's mission is to enjoy the summer! I'll be preparing for Finn's First Birthday & the 'unveiling' of our house improvements!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Thankful Thursday 8/4/11
Is it really Thursday already? Well, I have two things I am thankful for on this sunny Thursday morn.
First, My husband finished sealing the floor in the den! Which means all the furniture will get moved back in, and we can have our house "back." This is very exciting!!! I have been waiting - literally - ALL summer for this (the debacle started on memorial day).
Second, I think I am past the ugly part of my sugar withdrawal. It was rough for a few days in the beginning of the week (flu-like symptoms), but now I feel pretty good. I'm just waiting for that great feeling of health and vitality to arrive!
First, My husband finished sealing the floor in the den! Which means all the furniture will get moved back in, and we can have our house "back." This is very exciting!!! I have been waiting - literally - ALL summer for this (the debacle started on memorial day).
Second, I think I am past the ugly part of my sugar withdrawal. It was rough for a few days in the beginning of the week (flu-like symptoms), but now I feel pretty good. I'm just waiting for that great feeling of health and vitality to arrive!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Happy August and Monday Mission
Happy August to everyone! Where has this summer gone? I cannot believe that it is already August! A couple more weeks and my sweet baby is turning ONE!!!
We have had a great summer - my husband Jon is almost done with the renovations downstairs. We put a slate floor down (because it looks nice and if there is a sump pump failure again we won't have to deal with this headache all over again). He just needs to seal it and tile the half bath down there and we're back in business!
My sweet baby Finn decided to get up and walk a few weeks ago - and he's never looked back. It took about 4 days before he was walking more than he was crawling, and now he's unstoppable! He also started waving bye-bye, so we've begun signing in earnest. He's picked up on "eat" so far. And he is pointing at EVERYTHING. It's really awesome beginning to interact with him in a new way. Now we have 2 way conversations (kind of).
What kind of awesome things have happened in your family this summer?
Now for the monday mission... I just know you've been missing these!
This week, the mission has to do with Sugar. Or better yet, No Sugar. That's right! I've been thinking about this for a while now, and doing some research (as I am prone to do) and I think now is the time. I am going to give up sugar. Specifically, refined sugars (white sugar, HFCS, and definitely artificial - which I already severely limit - and the like). This means most processed foods, convenience foods, most desserts :(.
I cut ALL sugar out when I was about five months pregnant with Finn (until the end). Let me tell you - I felt so much better! Sugar has so many negative side-effects. Some people call it a poison. I'm not going to go that far. But it does have negative ramifications on fertility (for men and women), your skin (I read a story about a woman who had really bad acne and it cleared up when she cut out sugar), your health in general (lowers immune system effectiveness).
I had a conversation with Jon today. And he said that he AGREES with me (if you know Jon at all, this is a SHOCK because his thing is "I am an adult and can decide for myself what I will eat" which means... he'll eat the aforementioned processed foods, convenience foods, and lots of desserts). So, right there, the fact that he agrees with me is nothing short of a sign from God himself!
What this will "look" like for us:
We have had a great summer - my husband Jon is almost done with the renovations downstairs. We put a slate floor down (because it looks nice and if there is a sump pump failure again we won't have to deal with this headache all over again). He just needs to seal it and tile the half bath down there and we're back in business!
My sweet baby Finn decided to get up and walk a few weeks ago - and he's never looked back. It took about 4 days before he was walking more than he was crawling, and now he's unstoppable! He also started waving bye-bye, so we've begun signing in earnest. He's picked up on "eat" so far. And he is pointing at EVERYTHING. It's really awesome beginning to interact with him in a new way. Now we have 2 way conversations (kind of).
What kind of awesome things have happened in your family this summer?
Now for the monday mission... I just know you've been missing these!
This week, the mission has to do with Sugar. Or better yet, No Sugar. That's right! I've been thinking about this for a while now, and doing some research (as I am prone to do) and I think now is the time. I am going to give up sugar. Specifically, refined sugars (white sugar, HFCS, and definitely artificial - which I already severely limit - and the like). This means most processed foods, convenience foods, most desserts :(.
I cut ALL sugar out when I was about five months pregnant with Finn (until the end). Let me tell you - I felt so much better! Sugar has so many negative side-effects. Some people call it a poison. I'm not going to go that far. But it does have negative ramifications on fertility (for men and women), your skin (I read a story about a woman who had really bad acne and it cleared up when she cut out sugar), your health in general (lowers immune system effectiveness).
I had a conversation with Jon today. And he said that he AGREES with me (if you know Jon at all, this is a SHOCK because his thing is "I am an adult and can decide for myself what I will eat" which means... he'll eat the aforementioned processed foods, convenience foods, and lots of desserts). So, right there, the fact that he agrees with me is nothing short of a sign from God himself!
What this will "look" like for us:
- Cutting out most desserts - this will be the hardest. I have a major sweet tooth, if left unchecked can reign supreme! This summer we have been making a lot of our own ice-cream. Which, I rationalize since I use raw milk, cream from the farmers market, eggs from pastured chickens, half the Organic sugar, is good for me - right? While it is miles above store-bought (or ice-cream truck bought) ice-cream; it's still got a lot of sugar, and I don't need it!
- One day a week as a cheat day. We'll start with one day a week and special occasions ( Finn's birthday, our anniversary, etc).
- We have already cut out a lot of the processed foods entirely. I think the one thing that I just can't get myself to give up is Ketchup! I'm going to look up some homemade ketchup recipes.
- Eating more fruits and veggies
- Making a meal plan and sticking to it! This will help a lot with not eating out as much.
- Making iced tea & having it in the fridge.
- Eventually experimenting with natural alternatives: maple syrup, raw honey, rapadura (or succinat).
- We do not have any travel scheduled in the near future, but if we did, this would be a challenge!
There are a lot of good suggestions and links on Keeperofthehome.
What would going "sugar free" look like for you and your family?
What would going "sugar free" look like for you and your family?
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
July Blog Break
Since this month is so busy - construction in my house (compelling me outside into the beautiful weather), going to visit our new Nephew Riley, Finn's upcoming birthday, renewing my insurance license, family visiting.... and on and on...
I'll be taking a break this month from blogging.
Happy Summer :)
I'll be taking a break this month from blogging.
Happy Summer :)
Monday, June 27, 2011
Monday mission!
Happy Monday to you! It is beautiful outside here in central New York.
This week's mission for myself is to get prepared for camping! We are headed to Vermont to camp over the fourth of July weekend. Jon and I, and Kayla, have been a bunch of times, but this will be Finn's first time camping.
We plan on: hiking, making s'mores, rock hopping (possibly), visiting Ben and jerry's, cold hollow cider mill, the farmers market, going to the forth of July parade, hopefully seeing the fireworks (this depends on Finn!), and generally getting dirty and having fun!
For meals, I am a huge proponent of hobo packs. You can put whatever meats and veggies in there you like with some butter or EVOO, wrap in foil, stick in fire, flip a few times, serve on a bun. It can be much healthier than the classic hot dog on a stick (which my husband could eat every night if I let him). Lunches will be peanut butter and jelly on homemade bread. Snacks are fruit, or homemade granola bars, and I usually make some trailmix as a treat. Since we usually like to get going in the morning (as opposed to rebuilding the fire) we'll just have some homemade granola and yogurt for breakfast.
I'm bringing the camp washer and flat dispers with five covers for Finn's bottom.
More planning to come.
What is your favorite camping pastime?
This week's mission for myself is to get prepared for camping! We are headed to Vermont to camp over the fourth of July weekend. Jon and I, and Kayla, have been a bunch of times, but this will be Finn's first time camping.
We plan on: hiking, making s'mores, rock hopping (possibly), visiting Ben and jerry's, cold hollow cider mill, the farmers market, going to the forth of July parade, hopefully seeing the fireworks (this depends on Finn!), and generally getting dirty and having fun!
For meals, I am a huge proponent of hobo packs. You can put whatever meats and veggies in there you like with some butter or EVOO, wrap in foil, stick in fire, flip a few times, serve on a bun. It can be much healthier than the classic hot dog on a stick (which my husband could eat every night if I let him). Lunches will be peanut butter and jelly on homemade bread. Snacks are fruit, or homemade granola bars, and I usually make some trailmix as a treat. Since we usually like to get going in the morning (as opposed to rebuilding the fire) we'll just have some homemade granola and yogurt for breakfast.
I'm bringing the camp washer and flat dispers with five covers for Finn's bottom.
More planning to come.
What is your favorite camping pastime?
Friday, June 24, 2011
Thankful Friday
It seems I have taken a break this week on the blog. I have been spending my computer time making Finn's birthday invitations And a 'brag' book (that was free on!) for him to learn the names and faces of distant family.
I am finding it hard to be thankful for some reason. Just in a funk I guess. But here we go anyways.
I am thankful for the faithfulness of God. He is always present and freely giving of what we ask. He is good all the time, all the time He is good.
I am (teeth grittingly) thankful that we have this opportunity to redo the den. It's going to be really nice once it is complete.
My dad said it'd be so nice, we'll need new furniture!
I am thankful for good books. I am reading Francine Rivers the mark of the lion series right now and it is a blessing to be able to disappear into a different world for a few hours.
I am finding it hard to be thankful for some reason. Just in a funk I guess. But here we go anyways.
I am thankful for the faithfulness of God. He is always present and freely giving of what we ask. He is good all the time, all the time He is good.
I am (teeth grittingly) thankful that we have this opportunity to redo the den. It's going to be really nice once it is complete.
My dad said it'd be so nice, we'll need new furniture!
I am thankful for good books. I am reading Francine Rivers the mark of the lion series right now and it is a blessing to be able to disappear into a different world for a few hours.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Wisdom for the ages
Proverbs 2:2-5
"2 turning your ear to wisdom
and applying your heart to understanding—
3 indeed, if you call out for insight
and cry aloud for understanding,
4 and if you look for it as for silver
and search for it as for hidden treasure,
5 then you will understand the fear of the LORD
and find the knowledge of God. "
People want a lot of things these days. however, Wisdom isn't counted in the top of the wish lists. There are two ways to gain Wisdom: get older & gain experience and Wisdom in years; or actively seek Wisdom. What would that look like for you?
"2 turning your ear to wisdom
and applying your heart to understanding—
3 indeed, if you call out for insight
and cry aloud for understanding,
4 and if you look for it as for silver
and search for it as for hidden treasure,
5 then you will understand the fear of the LORD
and find the knowledge of God. "
People want a lot of things these days. however, Wisdom isn't counted in the top of the wish lists. There are two ways to gain Wisdom: get older & gain experience and Wisdom in years; or actively seek Wisdom. What would that look like for you?
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Thankful Thursday 6/16/11
This is my sweet baby Finn. I am eternally and infinitely grateful for his presence in my life. He is a joy and so much fun to be around.
I'm also thankful for my MOPS group. We've been on two playdates this week with them and it's just a blessing to have a network of moms that are either going through what I am or have already been there! Although he hasn't told me yet, I know Finn loves hanging out with his MOPS friends too.
I am thankful for this year's strawberry harvest. It is delicious and makes great jam.
I'm also thankful for my MOPS group. We've been on two playdates this week with them and it's just a blessing to have a network of moms that are either going through what I am or have already been there! Although he hasn't told me yet, I know Finn loves hanging out with his MOPS friends too.
I am thankful for this year's strawberry harvest. It is delicious and makes great jam.
We finally received word from the insurance company about our flood claim. I am so grateful that they are covering everything that we need to do and then some. If we end up doing all the work ourselves, we will have a beautiful new den and some money leftover. yay!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Monday Mission!
Today, Finn and I went along with Mah-ma (Grandma) Strawberry picking! This week, the mission is to make Strawberry Jam. I want to keep a running tab of how much it costs to make the jam just to have a handle on the cost savings.
Clean them, cook them, stir them, can them!
So far, I have 14 pounds of strawberries for $22.40.
Here is the equation I followed...
Here is the equation I followed...
Friday, June 10, 2011
Closeness Requirement
Background story that I feel compelled to share for some reason: Jon bought me a subscription to Mothering magazine for Christmas. I was so excited! After two digital issues with no print copy in sight, I received notice that the magazine would be exclusively online and no longer in print. What? Lame. I was really excited. Well, anyway, so they replaced it with "Natural Life" magazine which I just got in the mail this week. Aside from the fact that it is a slim magazine (only 30 pages) - to redeem it, there are few advertisements - it's a great magazine with thoughtful articles. There was one in particular which spoke to me directly in my current circumstance - something I've really been feeling pressured about lately.
Finn cries if I leave him with someone he doesn't know WELL. So basically, we've had success leaving him with Grandma a couple of times, and a couple times a month, I leave him with my husband for a few hours to go to my women's group. He will not tolerate me leaving him in a nursery setting though. This really is not a problem except at church, where Finn cannot be in the service, but I'd like to be! Our church doesn't have one of those "mom rooms" where you can still participate in the service - they have a "nursing mothers room" if you want to call it that. It's a locker room off of a bathroom in the corner of the building where you can barely hear music if it's blaring. Most Sundays, I try to get him to nap while wearing him in a wrap, but as he gets bigger, this is getting harder! The hard part for me? Seeing people look at me and wonder what they are thinking. (This is a whole different blarticle - I know in my heart that all that matters is the truth.)
The Article is titled "Separation Anxiety?" The question mark is simply because this: my baby needs me; does it qualify as anxiety if the closeness is needed? They mention hunger anxiety - if a baby is hungry is this also an anxiety? Only in the case where food is denied routinely would it become an anxiety. God designed babies to NEED the closeness of their mommy for life and survival. Mommy has lunch, she has comfort and security and safety. The presence of this bond becomes even more important as babies become more mobile - they want to explore the world around them, but still be able to return to familiarity whenever they need to. Why do some babies tolerate separation better than others? They are different people for one. They might have a more adventurous spirit or they might have given up on pursuing what is best for them. When you force babies to be prematurely independent, after a while, they give up & stop listening, worse yet, stop trusting in that voice inside of them that is telling them to seek security. They lose their safety mechanism in effect.
Another thing that the article mentions, similar to when babies become mobile & they'll explore the room, but come back to you to touch base once in a while. Or like Finn, when he is being particularly adventurous, he'll want to nurse - just a little bit, off and on - until he feel comfortable in this new situation. This is an illustration of how babies go through stages, but sometimes they revert back to previous habits, seemingly a younger stage of development (one that you thought he was past!). It is all a part of growth.
Some people believe that denial breeds acceptance. For example: letting your baby cry themselves to sleep. The theory is that they will 'learn' to 'self soothe.' In reality, denial in that sense (of your presence to lull them into sleep) breeds giving up, detachment, and distrust. Will the baby exhibit the desired behavior? Eventually - perhaps. But at what cost? They end up detaching themselves emotionally from the close bond with mama. Humans are complicated beings - what you see displayed on the outside is not always reflecting what is going on inside. In effect, you are training your child to ignore their instincts and conform to outside expectations. This has resounding ramifications in the teen years and even adulthood. It goes against what we all wish for our children - that they be healthy and secure - they don't need to conform to what someone else thinks is right for their life!
The solution? Rejoice in your child's connection to you, and their connection to themselves. Give them what they need for today & realize that they will grow up and out of it and into a healthy, trusting secure independence. I am so fortunate to be able to stay at home with Finn full time. If that is not possible for you, the best thing to do is leave your baby with a loving and trusted relative or close friend - dad, grandma, etc. This is hard - I can't even imagine. I know for us, neither dad or grandma are an option. I am blessed.
The article really touched my heart and reassured me that, although the choices I am making in parenting aren't always easy, they will pay out in the end. Thus, I choose to view the whole issue as Finn's "Closeness Requirement." It is simply something that he needs - like air and milk and love, he needs me - for now.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Thankful Thursday
This week has been a whirlwind. After the flood happened, we've been busy tearing our house up, taking up rugs, moving stuff upstairs, meeting with insurance adjusters and mold/dampness specialists. Oh what fun. The good news, and what I am thankful for, is that it looks like insurance is going to foot the whole bill. We've yet to find out the final dollar amount, but since we lost 2 carpets, and the flooding caused a bunch of damage to the baseboards and the crawl space, we are hoping that it will be enough to put in a slate floor in the den and an area rug to cover it. I can't wait for the floor to be down and everything to be put back into it's place!
As a result of the mayhem, I've been spending most of my time out of the house. So I got to spend tuesday at the beach with my sister-in-law Kelly, my niece and nephew, and one of Kelly's friends and her kids. Yesterday, Finn and I got to visit the awesome Kidzclub for a MOPS playdate (what a cool place!) then go to the pool with Grandpa. Today we're going out to lunch with Grandpa and my brother Chris. So, I am thankful that circumstances have forced us out. Especially since it has been so nice out.
I am thankful for my husband, Jon. He has taken care of this whole flooding issue on TOP of working full time, training for a half-marathon, riding his bike to work, and running a business.
We just found out that our neighbors: Amy and Rory are expecting! I am so thankful that their prayers have been answered with this blessing. It couldn't have happened to better people.

We just found out that our neighbors: Amy and Rory are expecting! I am so thankful that their prayers have been answered with this blessing. It couldn't have happened to better people.
Cloth diapering - Why?
Different reasons why people choose Cloth diapering:
- Money savings - you can save over $1000 for one child in cloth diapers! This is actually the most conservative estimate I've seen to date, but I like how they have it broken out since younger babies are changed more often. If you reuse those same diapers for another the savings is multiplied!
- Environmental: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Cloth diapering enables 2 of the R's (Reduce and Reuse), Disposable diapering doesn't. Need I say more? There are articles (paid for by major disposable diaper companies) that say that disposable diapers are no worse than cloth for the environment since you have to wash the cloth diapers. Since there is no scientific evidence - it's just conjecture from a major corporation with an agenda and a bottom line - I don't believe it for a second. There was another article stating that there are mushrooms that biodegrade diapers in about 2 months. The oversight? It states that the mushrooms feed on Cellulose, which USED to be used in disposable diapers as absorbant material. No longer - there were some technological advances & now most plastic diapers are made with Superabsorbant polymers.
- It's cuter! I know that disposable diapers are just coming out with prints (by the way - what do you think they are trying to compete with? Cloth!) But let's admit it, a fluffy bottom is adorable! and the possibilities are endless if you are crafty. There are lots of prints available even if you aren't crafty - Kissaluv fitteds, blueberry diapers, BumGenius artist series, goodmamas off the top of my head.
- Health reasons: Disposable diapers are filled with chemicals you probably would not otherwise want in your house, and are linked to male infertility
- No blow-outs. With a well fitting cloth diaper, I have never had a poosplosion.
- More versatile - there are one-size pockets & All-in-ones; there are flat diapers which will work from birth to potty (really actually will since you fold them to suit). After your babies are out of diapers, you can use cloth diapers around the house - rags, housecleaning, etc.
- It's not the norm. Personally, I like to make conscious decisions & I've come to the realization that in most cases, I choose to walk the road less travelled. So, I have come to associate that positively.
- Cloth diapering is growing in popularity, more and more people are doing it, and it's cool! Let's face it, this is sometimes a motivator for people (especially women).
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Thankful Thursday 6/2/11
Our sump pump stopped working just when we had that big storm Sunday night. The storm was "cool," but we woke up to a flood - well, almost. The water was right at the level of our downstairs - one more drop, we'd be swimming in our den! I am so THANKFUL that we didn't get another inch! What a blessing! As it is, we had to rip up the carpet in our "secret room" (we use it for storage), it was really starting to smell like mildew. We might have to rip up the carpet in our den as well, but we are hoping not!
I was invited to join Kim from Dirty Diaper Laundry to go to Ithaca today. I left the house around 9am, Finn fell asleep within a few minutes & didn't wake up until we were outside of Mama Goose! I LOVE MAMA GOOSE! It's the best consignment store for babies and mamas that I've found. After that, we went to Jillian's drawers (where I found this beautiful organic cotton cover - Imse Vimse), and Yerba Mate for lunch (yum yum yum). Jon really wanted me to go to the Ithaca Bakery to pick up some goodies for him, but Finn fell asleep while I was trying to find it in the GPS & instead of tempting fate, I decided to drive home so that he'd stay sleeping! I am so thankful for the whole day - getting out of the mildewy house, getting out of the house in general, going for an adventure with my little man, spending some time with Kim & her sweet little men, and getting to go to my favorite stores & yummy Yerba mate! Also, the trip gave me confidence in driving with Finn on my own - at least on short adventures, about the length of naptime!
Aaron came over last night to help Jon rip up the carpet and move all the stuff in and out of the secret room. With his help, we were able to get it done in one night - it would have taken much longer if it were just Jon by himself! I am very thankful for the friendship we have with Aaron & Dena.
I was invited to join Kim from Dirty Diaper Laundry to go to Ithaca today. I left the house around 9am, Finn fell asleep within a few minutes & didn't wake up until we were outside of Mama Goose! I LOVE MAMA GOOSE! It's the best consignment store for babies and mamas that I've found. After that, we went to Jillian's drawers (where I found this beautiful organic cotton cover - Imse Vimse), and Yerba Mate for lunch (yum yum yum). Jon really wanted me to go to the Ithaca Bakery to pick up some goodies for him, but Finn fell asleep while I was trying to find it in the GPS & instead of tempting fate, I decided to drive home so that he'd stay sleeping! I am so thankful for the whole day - getting out of the mildewy house, getting out of the house in general, going for an adventure with my little man, spending some time with Kim & her sweet little men, and getting to go to my favorite stores & yummy Yerba mate! Also, the trip gave me confidence in driving with Finn on my own - at least on short adventures, about the length of naptime!
Aaron came over last night to help Jon rip up the carpet and move all the stuff in and out of the secret room. With his help, we were able to get it done in one night - it would have taken much longer if it were just Jon by himself! I am very thankful for the friendship we have with Aaron & Dena.
Flats Challenge Conclusions
Things I learned:
- Airplane fold
- Diaper bag fold
- Great solution for overnight: airplane fold with pad folded flat on top & a large Motherease stay-dry liner.
- I have definitely refined my diaper changing process. Of late, FInn has discovered his mobility & thus will NOT stay put for anything. What I was doing was just to change him while he was standing up in the bathroom. Now, I let him stand for me to take his diaper off and clean him. Then, I let him stand dipe-free for a bit while I prep his dipe (fold it, get the snappi, etc) then he will stay put long enough for me to quick snappi on a diaper. Then I let him stand for me to put the cover on.
- I tried
- How to better distract Finn while changing his diaper (sing a song OR one of his favorite toys du jour)
- That I love flats. I've started using them a LOT more. Both as inserts in my pocket diapers and snappi'd straight on his bum.
- If I were doing flats full time, I'd need a few more covers! I essentially only had 3 for the challenge. Once my 2 homemade woolies dried, I used them a few times & he pooped on both with a day! (Even though I thought I put him in the wool once the poo was out that day - WRONG! is there something about wool that makes them poop?)
- If I didn't have enough money to buy the kind of cloth diaper stash that we have and/or we didn't have a washing machine, I would definitely use flats full time.
- I am seriously considering selling off some of my pocket diapers in favor of using more flats.
Final thoughts:
- Although, looking back on this experience, I can say now that I am really comfortable using flat diapers - I do not think that I, personally, would have initially thought that I could use them . This would especially be the case with a newborn, and Finn being my first. So - I recognize that each family needs to do their own experimentation with cloth diapers to see that YOU CAN DO IT TOO! The essential component with this is education. Even though I did a lot of research before Finn came along (and cloth diapering commenced), I got the impression that using flats (and even prefold diapers) was extreme in some sense. After using both, they really aren't! I think once you get used to whatever cloth diapering system you use, they are equally easy.
- If education is the key - how am I going to share my experience? I am still thinking this over.
- I would recommend every cloth diapering mama have a stash of flats on hand. Even if you don't use them in your regular rotation, you might need them in an emergency! Think about how you'd go about diapering your baby in case of a natural (or man-made) disaster. Flats are probably the easiest to hand-wash and dry in a reasonable amount of time.
- There are so many ways to use flats with your current rotation. Use in a padfold inside a cover, use as an insert in a pocket diaper, snappi straight on their bum. Also, you can fully customize the diaper for your baby - put the most layers where they wet the most; fold it in the perfect size.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Wisdom for the ages
"When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
for all of them are clothed in scarlet."
Proverbs 31:21
Did you know that "Scarlet" is a form of felted wool? We have it in black and white in the Bible - God's word telling us to put our babies in woolies!!! Get started on those repurposed Butt sweaters ladies! Haha - just kidding on the last bit. But scarlet IS a form of felted wool...
When I think about this verse, a few things pop into my mind. It is a very practical verse. Surely it's application is both practical AND spiritual. Your family is protected against the physical cold & snow with the warmest fabric in existence. In the same way, your family (all of them) are protected against the storms of life with the protection of love you have rooted their foundation in.
Still, I like that God tells us to put our kids in felted wool. Mittens... Hats... Sweaters!!
for all of them are clothed in scarlet."
Proverbs 31:21
Did you know that "Scarlet" is a form of felted wool? We have it in black and white in the Bible - God's word telling us to put our babies in woolies!!! Get started on those repurposed Butt sweaters ladies! Haha - just kidding on the last bit. But scarlet IS a form of felted wool...
When I think about this verse, a few things pop into my mind. It is a very practical verse. Surely it's application is both practical AND spiritual. Your family is protected against the physical cold & snow with the warmest fabric in existence. In the same way, your family (all of them) are protected against the storms of life with the protection of love you have rooted their foundation in.
Still, I like that God tells us to put our kids in felted wool. Mittens... Hats... Sweaters!!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Flats Challenge - Day 6!
Happy Saturday! This will be a short one since my husband are going on a date tonight!
I have fallen into a great groove with this challenge - just when it's about to be over. This morning I did a big load of diapers. It's taking a lot of time to dry them since it is so humid.
My mom is coming over in a bit to watch Finn. I told her all about the flats and handwashing challenge. She told me all about how that was how she diapered us when we were babies. In her words: "because we were broke!" Interesting how, the previous generation used flats if they were broke (disposable diapers were a luxury). But in today's society, parents can't imagine life without their 'luxury' disposables that they just dry and reuse them? What happened?
Off to change a poopy diaper.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Flats Challenge - Friday
Last night, my husband handwashed flats in our camp washer. Our bucket washer's lid is broken now (he admitted from "vigorous agitation")... It still works and all. No problem, there's just a crack. In retrospect, I think putting tape or some kind of protection around the lid hole is a good idea.
End of the week thoughts: Whether this challenge impacts the people who were reusing disposable diapers is somewhat moot. I had a great experience so far & that is immediate and matters. As for the 'target,' (so to speak) is it that all these parents need is an education in modern cloth? Is it that they just don't care about the earth, their child's butt, etc. Or do they have 3 jobs and just trying to make things work? Who knows... probably a mix of all three and more. I chafe at categorizing people, but I have to admit, reusing disposable diapers is not smart.
I think it is a shame when people make decisions without all the facts. Maybe that is just the way I am - I like to research things, weigh the pro's and con's. Now, I don't sit with a yellow pad and do this for EVERY decision, it's subconscious at this point. But I firmly believe in looking into my options and getting educated for myself. It's just that there are a LOT of things that come up once you become a parent: diapers, feeding the baby, health (yours, your baby's), how and where to give birth, life insurance, investments, etc! It's overwhelming!!! I think we let a lot go by the wayside - just letting life get in the way (there is ALWAYS an excuse for procrastination). Don't get me wrong, I am a procrastinator... big time. I'm working on it! But what really gets me is when decisions are made without proper information. You just do it because it is what everyone else does. 'Everyone' gives birth at the hospital, uses sposies, thinks the food pyramid is the authority on how to eat right, etc. etc. etc.
I was on Syracuse's premier local diaper store's website (Basic Baby) and the icon that corresponded with laundry is an old fashioned wash tub and board. I feel blessed to be living in an age of modern conveniences. Yay for my washing machine! Yay for my dishwasher for that matter!
Flats work really well. Recently I have been having problems with night leakage. This week, I have had NO LEAKAGE at all! I knew that this challenge would force me to be more comfortable with flat diapers (which I had an interest in). I never thought that I'd like and appreciate them so much.
Unanswered questions:
Each time I have handwashed the dipes this week, I keep thinking about the bucket washer - Is it safe to be washing dipes in VERY HOT water in this plastic bucket? It wasn't labeled as a safe plastic, so I'm assuming that it is not. Call me weird, but is this plastic paint bucket releasing some horrible chemicals into the diapers that my son is sitting in right now?
I am a stay at home mom. I can guess what it's like for working mom's to use flats and handwash full time, but it would be just a guess. I know what it's like to be a mom, and what it's like to work, but the two thus far have been mutually exclusive. I am curious as to the feasibility in situations other than mine.
I hear about the growing population of teen mothers - through TV, a MOPs outreach at local high schools, media, etc. I'm wondering how receptive teen mom's are to cloth diapers? It can't be easy in first place, but if a large portion of your paycheck each week is going towards poop catching - ouch! In my ideal situation, (not that teenage mothering is always ideal) these girls could buy a pack of flats and save the difference from pampers until they have enough to buy a couple of pocket diapers & use cloth full time. I know that is what I would do NOW if we didn't have enough money. Nine months ago when Finn was born? probably not. I just didn't know.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Thankful Thursday 5/26/11
I am thankful for my washing machines. When I lived in apartments in college and right out of college, I couldn't wait until I lived in a place with washing machines en suite! Well, I have lived in my house since late 2007 & I think I have forgotten that feeling. This week handwashing diapers has given me a new appreciation for my washer!
Thankful that Finn went in the potty this morning! We have been casually practicing Elimination Communication for the past few months. I am always excited when we have a "catch," but especially this week! This morning, Finn not only peed in the potty, but he poo-d too! Which means about three less diapers for me to clean :) Happy baby, Happy mommy!
Thankful that I can have all the cute diapers that Finn needs and I wants. We are richly blessed with the means to buy many luxuries. At the same time, we (try to) have the wisdom to limit our indulgences.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Flats Challenge - Wednesday
Flats on a line! |
Here are the official rules:
- You MUST use Flats.
- You MUST handwash them. How is up to you. (bathtub, sink, large wash tub, portable non electronic washing machine, or camp style washer (bucket and plunger- think churning butter)
- You MUST air dry them. (indoors or outdoors, makes no difference)
- You MUST limit your number of covers in rotation to 5 or less.
- You can use any detergent you want. (Keep in mind that you still want cloth safe detergents)
- You can still use your nighttime diapers but I ask that you try to make flats work. Maybe try a prefold wrapped in a flat.
- You can use disposable liners.
- You CAN’T use a diaper sprayer. I thought long and hard about this one, but at an average cost of 40.00 this is one diaper accessory that is out of range for many families. Dunk, swish, flush, or scrape!
- You MUST start the morning of May 23 and end the evening of May 30.
Finn's trying out his new water table |
This morning, I did another washing. It ended up being two separate "loads." Since there were diapers from all day yesterday, PLUS he did a big poo this morning. I am SO proud to say that the Big Poo came out completely! I just rinsed the stuff off in hot water in my utility sink, then washed (cold rinse, hot wash with detergent, cold wash). It's all hanging outside right now! I figured since rain is in the forecast for tomorrow and friday, today is the day! Honestly, I felt really apprehensive about the handwashing. Not that I couldn't do it (have you seen these guns? LOL), but that I wasn't getting them as clean as a machine could. Well, getting the Big Poo out (no stains!!!!) really bolstered my confidence in the handwashing process.
![]() |
Finn in his new shorties |
Shorties for my Shortie |
Until today, I've been using only 3 covers since my woolies have taken this long to dry. Well, I just put Finn into his blue wool shorties (with an origami folded flat underneath). So stinkin' cute! I just hope he doesn't poo in them (although I rolled the edges of the flat, it'll probably get on the sides of the cover if he poos).
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Flats challenge - day 2!
Happy Tuesday to everyone!
We had a fun second day of the flats challenge. Playdate in the morning with my MOPS crew. Little boys are mayhem!!! Finn isn't there yet, but I had a taste of what is to come I think (especially if we have any more boys!) After the playdate, Finn fell asleep in the car, so we transferred to naptime right after that - no time for a diaper change.
Well, let me tell you - I was surprised that the diaper I had him in performed so well for that whole duration! 8:30AM to 1:30PM! All I had him in was an origami folded Ikea flat with a blueberry cover. WOWZERS! who knew? the dipe was SOAKED. really wet all the way thru, but NO LEAKS!
After playing around, the FedEx man delivered some new tubby toys formeFinn ;)
Then, we met daddy at Panera Bread for some yummy dinner (thank you credit card reward points!). Finn loves panera bread's baguettes. takes after his carb LOVIN daddy... Then we went to Target to pick up a water table!
So it was kinda like Christmas for Finn - new tub toys AND a water table? He really enjoyed it.
One thing I was thinking at the start of this week - Finn had a little rash that cleared up pretty quickly with some angelbabybottombalm recently. I was worried that it would come back, but honestly - his skin looks great! I am really liking the simplicity of these flat diapers!
We had a fun second day of the flats challenge. Playdate in the morning with my MOPS crew. Little boys are mayhem!!! Finn isn't there yet, but I had a taste of what is to come I think (especially if we have any more boys!) After the playdate, Finn fell asleep in the car, so we transferred to naptime right after that - no time for a diaper change.
Well, let me tell you - I was surprised that the diaper I had him in performed so well for that whole duration! 8:30AM to 1:30PM! All I had him in was an origami folded Ikea flat with a blueberry cover. WOWZERS! who knew? the dipe was SOAKED. really wet all the way thru, but NO LEAKS!
After playing around, the FedEx man delivered some new tubby toys for
Then, we met daddy at Panera Bread for some yummy dinner (thank you credit card reward points!). Finn loves panera bread's baguettes. takes after his carb LOVIN daddy... Then we went to Target to pick up a water table!
So it was kinda like Christmas for Finn - new tub toys AND a water table? He really enjoyed it.
One thing I was thinking at the start of this week - Finn had a little rash that cleared up pretty quickly with some angelbabybottombalm recently. I was worried that it would come back, but honestly - his skin looks great! I am really liking the simplicity of these flat diapers!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Monday Mission
my bucket washer setup |
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this is me agitating the dipes |
All in all, it wasn't too bad. Here are my initial thoughts: 1. wow, kind of a workout! I think my arms will have some extra special mommy muscle at the end of the week! 2. If this was our normal mode of washing, I would probably bring my dipes to my parents house to use their washing machine once a week (assuming I didn't have one). My method: First, cold rinse and pump the plunger a few times to get the big nasties out. Then, HOT water with a scoop of cloth diaper detergent (I'm using ruby moon right now). Agitate for three minutes vigorously (this was the workout part). I actually set a timer on my watch to get the full three minutes in. next, dump out the water, press out the water from the diapers. Then a cold wash. No detergent. Just agitate for three minutes again. I decided to only wash four flats at once, so I actually did that whole cycle twice. From now on, I'll wash everyday for the sheer fact that it's hard on my arms doing two cycles at once! Here are the dipes drying...
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I hung the dipes inside since there was a threat of rain |
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mmm... bread! |
Just to prove to ya'll that I didn't just wash and dry diapers all day... I had time to bake some tasty wheat bread, take Finn to swim class, clean up the garbage my dog ate, go for a walk, play with my son, and read him ten books.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Flats and Handwashing challenge: day 1
It's a rather busy day to get into the swing of things, good thing ALL my flats are clean right now! I won't need to wash until tomorrow, so I think I'll wait (although I oddly am excited to use my bucket).
I managed to lanolize the 2 wool covers. Now they'll need 24 hours to dry! I'm not sure I did it correctly though. I only let them soak for a few minutes. oh well - I'll use them during the day & redo them next week if I have to!
The whole idea is that you CAN diaper your baby for very cheap. Even without access to washing machines! Thus the homemade wool covers - I repurposed 2 wool sweaters that I no longer wear into covers. From one sweater, you can make one pair of longies (pants you can use as a diaper cover) from the sleeves and two covers from the back and front of the sweater! I felted the sweater body (minus the sleeves) first to make them extra thick. If you don't have any 100% wool sweaters you are willing to sacrifice, you can get them for around $2 at the salvation army. OR you can use fleece to make a cover too! For flats, you can buy them for pretty cheap ($1-$3 per diaper for the cotton type) OR you can repurpose things around your house - Receiving blankets, kitchen towels, etc.
More to come!
I managed to lanolize the 2 wool covers. Now they'll need 24 hours to dry! I'm not sure I did it correctly though. I only let them soak for a few minutes. oh well - I'll use them during the day & redo them next week if I have to!
The whole idea is that you CAN diaper your baby for very cheap. Even without access to washing machines! Thus the homemade wool covers - I repurposed 2 wool sweaters that I no longer wear into covers. From one sweater, you can make one pair of longies (pants you can use as a diaper cover) from the sleeves and two covers from the back and front of the sweater! I felted the sweater body (minus the sleeves) first to make them extra thick. If you don't have any 100% wool sweaters you are willing to sacrifice, you can get them for around $2 at the salvation army. OR you can use fleece to make a cover too! For flats, you can buy them for pretty cheap ($1-$3 per diaper for the cotton type) OR you can repurpose things around your house - Receiving blankets, kitchen towels, etc.
More to come!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Tomorrow starts the flats challenge!
A Little nervous, but excited to start our challenge. Jon just finished the bucket washer. I was busy today, so I didn't get a chance to Lanolize! well, I'll just have to deal with only 3 covers. until I can waterproof the wool covers I made.
Life really gets in the way, doesn't it? Tomorrow is my niece & nephew's 3rd birthday. it doesn't seem possible, weren't they just turning 2?
well, time to try to get this sleepy little man down - wish me luck for the week!!!
Life really gets in the way, doesn't it? Tomorrow is my niece & nephew's 3rd birthday. it doesn't seem possible, weren't they just turning 2?
well, time to try to get this sleepy little man down - wish me luck for the week!!!
Friday, May 20, 2011
How am I preparing for the Flats and Handwashing Challenge?

Well, after the first couple of Monday Missions, I am almost set to go for Sunday for the Challenge!
I have:
- 12 Ikea Flats
- 6 Swaddlebees Flats
- 2 Blueberry covers
- 2 wool handmade wool covers
- 1 Motherease airflow cover
- 3 snappis (only one of which I can find!)
- 1 bucket washer (that my husband still needs to finish)
- drying rack & clothesline outside

For overnights, I am going to use either 2 padfolded flats in a pocket diaper OR an origami fold with a padfolded flat and a stay-dry liner. I'll try the latter first. Top priority to me is Finn's health - I don't want any heat or moisture rash to sneak in there!
Loose ends:
- Jon to finish washer
- lanolize the wool covers
- Find the snappis!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Thankful Thursday 5/19/11
Meet Kittenpants. Hi Kittenpants! Now, of course that is not her real name... but it pretty much is. Her given name is Peakoe. I have NEVER called her Peakoe. sorry Kitten. When we go to the vet and they refer to Peakoe I look at them with a blank look. She is my rambunctious kitty, kind of like a cat-dog. Everyone that meets her loves her dearly. Even self-proclaimed kitty haters. Kittenpants has reformed them. I am thankful for her & all her antics. She keeps us laughing.
I am thankful for the park in the back behind our backyard. Although it is frequently flooded, and privy to teenage pranks - it is more frequently fully functional and FUN! Kayla and I have fun climbing up and going down the slide. Finn loves the blue swing on the right. I love the big people swings because they are for tall people!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Monday MIssion
It's monday again! I just got back from New Jersey - we went to my sister-in-law's baby shower and visited with my brother, his wife and their 15 month old baby!
This week, I am going to take a different direction. I've done this in the past, but things tend to sneak in slyly... The challenge is to remove all processed food from your house. Especially anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), Trans Fats (partially hydrogenated oils).
The goal? Eat things that grow from the ground or have a mother. But this week, we'll just take a baby step towards that.
Weird things to check:
Bread crumbs
sauces, dips, spreads
pre-packaged snacks
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful everyday for my Husband Jon. He is a great partner for this crazy life journey, a goofball, and the most generous man I know. Did I mention that he's goofy?
I love my pup Kayla. She's a four year old german shepherd sheltie mix and a great companion. She loves fetch, food, and barking away strangers. She also loves her gay boyfriend, Mr. Jack.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Monday Missions!
Another Monday Another Mission.
This week is a multi-part mission.
1. Close your eyes. Think about a project that you've had laying about halfway or most of the way finished. Got a project in mind? Finish it. For me, this means knitting up the second half of a sleeve and joining all the pieces to a sweater I meant for Finn to wear this past winter...
2. Finish your preparations for the Flats and Handwashing challenge. For me, this means finishing up the felted wool soaker, making another one out of a blue felted sweater (I've devised improvements of course). Lanolizing everything, making my husband finish the bucket washer, trying out the bucket washer.
See last week's Monday mission post for updates and results of last week's mission!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
The History of Diapering
I stumbled on this article on the diaperjungle on the history of cloth diapering.

What surprised me the most was that using wool in the diapering process is a recent revelation. We talk about how our grandmothers and great grandmothers used flat diapers (about a three foot square single layer of absorbent cotton) with all the negative things people associate with cloth diapering - pins, plastic pull on pants, etc. I had it in my mind that before then, women - especially those in areas where sheep herding and wool usage was commonplace - used wool in some form for their diapers.
How times have changed - but not really! the article mentions how when sposie dipes first came out they were considered a luxury item that most could not afford. May I suggest that the same is true today? Think about the cost of college - it's increasing six to eight percent a year! At that rate, we'll all wish we banked the difference every time we re-used the cloth dipes and passed by the diaper aisle at Wegmans! How about "affording" the long term consequences of all these diapers that have been disposed of?
It surprises me (and it shouldn't) that there are still so many negative stereotypes abounding in relation to cloth diapering (pins - ouch!, plastic pants - eww!, diaper rashes - actually are more frequent with disposibles). A simple Google picture search for "cloth diaper" reveals so many cute pictures of modern cloth diapers! Cute prints, velcro tabs, pocket diaper illustrations, adorable modern babies in cloth. Only one picture of a baby in a prefold with pins. Don't people Google everything nowadays? Goodness - we've made Google into a verb it's so popular!
Modern cloth diapers have really just come about in the past ten years - I'm excited to see what is next! Let's marry the natural elements with experience and technological advances and come up with the super cloth dipe!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Thankful Thursday
At MOPS yesterday, the MOPPET workers gave me my first ever Mother's day card "from Finn." On the front were these blue flowers for my vase (meant for the bits that Finn brings me in from the lawn; read: dandelions). I'm just thankful for MOPS in general & specifically the women who work hard to make it happen. It is such a blessing in my life.

Of course, the biggest blessing I've ever been given is my son Finn. This is him yesterday in my kitchen on his new push toy. He finds himself somewhat independently mobile with it & has found new nooks and cranny's in the kitchen for his fascination!
He is just a joy to hang out with every day & to watch him grow and change is the best!
Since it is his birthday, I have to add that I am thankful for my dad! This picture is from our recent trip to Florida with my parents. Specifically it was at the butterfly bench at the Central Florida Zoo (highly recommend for preschoolers!).
My dad has always been a rock in my life - always there for me, to lend a helping hand, to offer advice, to tell stories (of which he has more than a few lifetimes of) and most of all to Love! Finn (Finnegan James) was named after him in hopes that the two of them would share a special bond
Mexican Dark Chocolate Pudding
Mexican Dark Chocolate Pudding
2 egg yolks
scant 1/2 C sugar
3 T corn starch (not ideal, but necessary!)
1t cinnamon
3 C milk (I use Wake Robin milk)
heaping 2/3 C semi-sweet chocolate
2 oz unsweetened (baking) chocolate
pinch of salt
1t vanilla
mix egg yolks, sugar, corn starch and cinnamon in a big bowl. On medium heat, melt the chocolates with the milk and salt. Once the chocolate is melted, gradually whisk the chocolate mixture into the egg mixture. Pour it all back into the saucepan. On medium heat, continuously stir the pudding until it gets thick (about 12-13 minutes). Pour into individual serving cups & cool for at least 2 hours.
I usually serve it with freshly ground cinnamon and whipped cream - yum!!!!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Swaddlebees and Blueberry dipes giveaway!
Head over to DDL for her giveaway - Kim is giving away two dipes (so there will be two winners!), one Swaddlebees Simplex and one Blueberry Basix. These dipes look awesome - combines a pocket with a tongue style. Plus, the prints are too cute. I love the "messy hands" print.
You can see Kim's video review of both of them on her youtube channel.
Wisdom for the ages
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight."
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight."
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